Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A visit to Sabah Tourism Board for Hong Kong Children Choir 11/5/2010

Rotaract Club of Institute Sinaran installation on 15th May 2010 at Ocean Restaurant. Rotaractor Belinda Anntoo for 2010 to 2011

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

3rd Hong Kong Children Meeting at Alfred's resident 3/5/2010

PP Wong Kee Yu and Rtn Alex Sham were appointed as Public Relation committees with the responsible to make know the event to the Public and fit up appointment to meet the relavant authourities..
IPDG was indeed very relax and sharing his experince and responsibilty. It is hard without the expectise from him, pillar of the event...

Kok Ang, Chairman of the Hong Kong Children Choir event was going throught the minutes of last meeting and thank the committee for the speedy progress of the arrangements.

Rizal as secretary was attentively writing the minute which the arkitect normally do and thank to him for all the detaillings. DGE Haji Zainie gave his view of advise to the team espicially in PR matter and the floor manager...